Moana Girls Swimsuit. Moana is an American animated film by Walt Disney. It is about a girl who is adventurous and goes on a daring missing to save her people. On her journey, she meets Maui, the demigod, who helps Moana become a amaster wayfinder. The main message of Moana is that to have patience is always beneficial where patience is the key to hapiness. Moana is the daughter of Chief Tui of an island village of Motunui. She love the sea and voyages. When her island becomes endangered by a life-killing darkness, Moana is chosen by the ocean ot travel across the sea to save the world with the help of Maui. Here we have a Moana Girls 2 piece swimsuit that is the same design as Moana's clothes in the film. Beautifully designed, excellent workmanship, fashionable and creative, this is a must have swimsuit for all kinds of beach or swimming activities.
- Brand: Generic
- Model: App-Swim-Moana
Price: $24.99 - In stock